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India’s Lunar Triumph: Chandrayaan-3’s Historic Journey

India’s Lunar Triumph: Chandrayaan-3’s Historic Journey

03,Mar 2024

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Pioneering Pedals to Cosmic Conquest

On the radiant morning of November 21, 1963, Dr. Vikram Sarabhai and his dedicated team from INCOSPAR initiated India’s cosmic odyssey with humble bicycles and a vision. India’s space journey evolved from the modest Rohini 75 to the INSAT Series. However, the pivotal shift from satellite launches to lunar exploration marked a transformative era for ISRO.

Chapter 1: Dreaming Beyond – Chandrayaan-1’s Lunar Prelude (2008)

In 2008, Chandrayaan-1 soared, unveiling lunar mysteries. It landed on November 8, 2008, discovering water molecules and igniting lunar aspirations. Despite bidding farewell in 2009, Chandrayaan-1 left an indelible mark, showcasing India’s audacity and scientific prowess amidst the global recession.

Chapter 2: Setback and Resilience – Chandrayaan-2’s Challenge (2019)

Chandrayaan-2 aimed to follow its predecessor’s success. As Vikram’s connection faltered during the Moon landing attempt, global support countered ridicule. The setback fueled ISRO’s resilience, highlighting the challenges of lunar exploration and the importance of unwavering support.

Chapter 3: Rising from Failure – Chandrayaan-3’s Unyielding Resolve

Post Chandrayaan-2, Chandrayaan-3 emerged from the shadows of failure. Fueled by echoes of Chandrayaan-1 and lessons learned, the ISRO team exhibited unwavering resolve. The launch, culminating in dreams and determination, symbolized India’s unshakeable spirit.

Triumph Unveiled: Chandrayaan-3’s Landing (23 August 2023)

Chandrayaan-3, ISRO’s most advanced spacecraft, embarked on its lunar journey. The spacecraft entered lunar orbit with cutting-edge technology and relentless pursuit of perfection. Vikram-2’s descent held the nation’s breath until the historic moment – a soft touchdown on the lunar surface, a triumph etched in history.

A Nation’s Pride in Cosmic Heights

As Chandrayaan-3 accomplished the extraordinary, we revelled in pride and joy, along with the whole of India. From a student’s perspective at the Fortune Institute of International Business, the historic moment unfolded on the big screen. The 6:03 p.m. silence erupted into applause and cheers at 6:04 p.m. The tricolour flag on the lunar surface echoed India’s spirit, symbolizing dedication to excellence.