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Stories of Triumphs & Insights


Embracing the attitude of #NeverStopLearning

08,Nov 2023

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“Never Stop Learning because life never stops teaching”

With a glorious experience of around two decades, Satabdee Borah, an Alum of Fortune Institute of International Business (Batch 2002-2004) has recently been awarded not just one, but TWO distinguished awards!

After completing her MBA in the year 2004, she joined Maruti Suzuki. Moving forward, she has been a part of organizations like Honda and More. After this, she joined The Body Shop India (Quest Retail Pvt. Ltd.) and has been a part of the organization for more than 12 Years.

From joining as a Senior Manager, she moved up the ladder to HOD, followed by DGM, and currently is the Associate Vice President of HR and Administration for The Body Shop India as well as House of Beauty.

With the vivid experience she holds in her field, she has believed in being an active and lifelong learner. In her own words being quoted – “Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching”, she has been keenly involved with activities that help in improving knowledge.

While being a part of the very senior leadership team, she has focused on the aspect of skill development and knowledge enhancement within the organization and its employees. She pays special focus to the training and allowances and is an advocate for the use of online courses to learn new concepts for working professionals who have a scarcity of time. The online resources are an easy way to learn the new happenings and keep us updated while managing time as per our schedule.

 Satabdee has been very recently awarded with two prestigious awards :

1. HR Association India Presents “HR Distinction Awards 2022”, It is 7th Edition.

The HR Distinction Awards (HRD Awards) is a platform to recognize and honor Excellence in HR and Related fields/services. It aims to bring together the entire spectrum of HR professionals across the globe and give HR professionals a chance to witness what it takes to become the epitome of the industry!! Accredited by The Human Resource Association India (HRAI), a national-level association representing human resource and people management professionals through their network of 22,000 members from India and across the globe.

Launched in 2013 by the H.E. Honorable Sir Anerood Jugnauth, Prime Minister, Mauritius, HR Distinction Awards has witnessed participation from over 150 Delegates, and 100 organizations across India and is proud to be ranked the number 1 HR Award in the country.

 The Jury had evaluated participant profiles on the following criteria in the field of HR:

Ø Participant Individual Profiling

Ø Innovation

Ø Scope

Ø Impact

Ø Sustainability

Ø Execution

 She shares it with enthusiasm that she has been awarded “Women HR Professional of the Year” by HR Association India.

2. “Visionary CHRO of the Year 2022” and “India’s Top 20 Most Impactful HR Leaders” !!

The award was announced at the 3rd Edition CHRO Vision & Innovation Summit & Awards 2022 in Bengaluru. CHRO Vision & Innovation Summit is India’s Most Impactful and Meaningful CHRO gathering to evolve their Leadership Vision, Ace the Digital Innovations, and Amplify the 2022 People Agenda.

3rd Edition CHRO Vision & Innovation Summit and Awards is an exclusive platform for multi-industry CHROs to gather (100+ participants, 25+ speakers, and 30+ Awards) and Set the roadmap for the future of work, enable the flexible working strategies and take the people engagement to the next level

 Selection Criteria for the Awards were:

 Ø The selection was done by a panel that includes members internal and external to Transformance.

Ø The list was finalized primarily based on the criteria of the leader’s current/future impact on HR initiatives in the business ecosystem in India.