Industry Inc. @FIIB
Decoding The Human Equation at FRC Day 3: Exploring the balance between Reason & Instinct!
In the world of business, decision-making is often likened to an arduous task—one that requires more than intuition and a knack for numbers. Successful choices rely on a complex mix of psychological influences, biases, and sometimes even philosophical reflections. Increasingly, business schools and professionals are recognizing the profound impact of behavioral science on decision-making, urging […]
MANTHAN 4.0: A Confluence of Wisdom, Innovation, and Future-Forward Business Perspectives
New Delhi, December 2, 2023: MANTHAN 4.0, FIIB’s flagship event, unfolded as a dynamic conclave of thought leaders, industry experts, and visionaries. In the face of dynamic business landscapes and emerging challenges, MANTHAN serves as a platform for future business managers to delve into the thought processes of industry thought leaders, fostering competence and an […]
Sipping on Success: Brewing Wisdom with Mr Dev Arora
In the ever-evolving landscape of business, gaining insights from industry leaders is not just valuable; it’s transformative. FIIB’s commitment to providing students with enriching experiences recently unfolded in the form of the ‘View From the Top Talk’ (VFTT) series. This installment featured the illustrious Mr Dev Arora, CEO of Chai Point’s CPG business, and proved […]
An immersive event to bridge the gap between student aspirations and industry insight – SANKALP 3
In its unwavering commitment to bridging the gap between academia and industry, FIIB proudly introduces SANKALP, a four-stage employability fest designed to equip students with essential skills for the dynamic corporate landscape. A standout feature of this initiative is SANKALP 3, a day-zero simulation crafted to offer hands-on experience through mock placement sessions, aiding students […]