Faculty Insights

Faculty Spotlight: An Insightful Conversation with Dr Jaya
Explore Dr. Jaya’s journey from zoology to finance, her passion for teaching, and insights on AI’s role in finance in our latest spotlight!

Faculty Spotlight: An Insightful Conversation with Prof Snigdha Malhotra
The FIIB Faculty Spotlight series aims to highlight the dedicated faculty members who contribute to the success of FIIB MBA program. These educators bring their academic expertise, extensive research backgrounds, and practical business experience to enrich the learning environment for students. This week, we had the pleasure of interviewing Prof. Snigdha, a passionate faculty member […]

Faculty Spotlight: Dr Sakshi Kathuria
The FIIB Faculty Spotlight series will shine a light on the faculty behind the success of FIIB MBA. The individuals instructing, guiding, and facilitating each module draw upon their academic expertise, extensive research background, and practical business experience to enrich the learning environment. The individuals instructing, guiding, and facilitating each module draw upon their academic […]

Voice of the Stars – Exploring the Outcomes of Online Celebrity Activism
In the past, celebrities were commonly perceived as people who were known to the masses. Their popularity and fame were attributed to their achievements in different areas such as sports, entertainment, or business. Gradually though, the role of celebrities has evolved from merely being ‘individuals who are famous.’ Now celebrities from across the world strive […]

To Buy or Not to Buy – Challenges with Online Shopping and Simple Solutions
The adoption and penetration of information and communication technology (ICT) across the globe have impacted almost all kinds of businesses. This increasing prevalence of technology has fueled the adoption of online shopping, which has then reshaped the traditional way in which people shop. With the entry of numerous online retailers into the Indian market, customer […]

The Crucial Role of Strategic Risk Management in the Life Insurance Sector
Have you ever wondered how uncertainties can either make or break a business? ISO 31000 states risk is the ‘effect of uncertainties on objectives.’ The fine line between risk and opportunity shapes the destiny of organizations. In adherence to ISO 31000, risk management is not a one-time activity but an iterative process guiding organizations in […]

Wisdom of the Crowd’: Fostering Customer Ideation in Crowdsourcing Communities
According to a McKinsey survey, a fundamental obstacle to innovation is a lack of competence and the ability to implement ideas. Crowdsourcing allows you to tap into a crowd’s collective wisdom to improve performance or discover new ideas (Crowdsourcing solutions to Europe’s growth gap, n.d. 2016). The technique of generating ideas or content by asking […]

Revealing Faculty Research Impact: Changing Lives
In today’s globalized world, research is crucial for the long-term viability and development of any academic institution and is essential for knowledge-based growth. Research is rooted in the ‘pursuit of knowledge’. It has always been human nature to seek knowledge and discovery, but when new knowledge is curated by the right people and made available to […]

Crafting Lifelong Learners with Innovative Teaching
In every academic cycle for a student, placement is a decisive factor as it hallmarks their corporate journey. It’s every student’s dream to begin their career in a top MNC to set their aspirations in motion. Students at FIIB are supported in achieving this dream by our teachers, placement committee, and our teaching methods. Through […]

Understanding “Mental Health”
“In conversation with Professor Shuchi Dikshit, Head – FIIB’s Aarohan Counselling Centre” As a counselor, why do you feel it is essential for people to openly start talking about their problems? Prof Shuchi Dixit: Let’s take a logical perspective. In any given situation if we encounter a problem we try to find a solution that could […]