FIIB Class of 2012 Meet Priti Behrani, a meticulous and solutions-focused professional representing FIIB’s Class of 2012, with over 12 years of diverse...
Meet Patralekha Mohanty—an accomplished leader from FIIB’s Class of 1999 with a formidable track record spanning over 19 years in IT sales, business...
Discover the journey of Abhijeet Das, a distinguished member of FIIB’s Class of 2000, currently leading the Marketing division at Delhi Duty-Free. His...
His FIIB Journey “Studying at FIIB, I knew that it was going to be an intellectually rigorous avenue that would lead me to...
Q 1. “PGDM is not a course but a mindset”; your reflections on it? While PGDM (Post Graduate Diploma in Management) is technically...
“A successful inspirational entrepreneur solves a problem, expresses creativity, helps their community, is free, and overcomes personal or social obstacles.” What inspired you...
Meet Swati Grover– A gold medalist at FIIB with a passion for global business, a distinguished member of FIIB’s Class of 2006, currently...
Meet Yashi Shrivastava, Batch of 2010-2012, FIIB – a shining example of commitment to continuous learning, adaptability, and dedication. Climbing the Corporate Ladder:...