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Conquering Corporate Obstacles as an Entrepreneur – Ms. Jasmeet Kaur, Managing Director at Jasmey Homes

15,Jul 2024

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“A successful inspirational entrepreneur solves a problem, expresses creativity, helps their community, is free, and overcomes personal or social obstacles.”

What inspired you to develop your idea and start your entrepreneurial journey?

During my visit to my hometown in Jharkhand in 2018, I conceptualized starting a handicraft business. My aunt, who is 89 years old, gifted me a beautiful crochet made by her. Since our home products are mostly made from plastic and are usually imported from China, I became emotionally connected and compelled to think about these products.

As part of COVID-19, I connected with the migrants; they faced many difficulties. At that point, I was unable to help as I had expected. Providing funds and assisting them with basic needs was the best I could do. Through constant communication, I later discovered they were good at making handicrafts since they were taught these handcarts in the village. As seamstresses, stitchers, and weavers, they became a part of and started JASMEY HOMES.

What challenges did you face as you transitioned from working in corporate to becoming an entrepreneur?

To transition from an employee to an entrepreneur, quitting the day job is one of the most difficult steps. It is important to consider many factors before becoming an entrepreneur or employee. Mindset, Skillset, and Toolset must be balanced for entrepreneurial endeavors to succeed. One of the most crucial factors in this list is Mindset. Throughout this journey, you will face many challenges and must focus on overcoming them, not just dreaming. Our initial challenges included a delay in sample approval, as logistics for non-essentials were almost at a standstill during the time of COVID-19. Due to this, we had a slow start, but we don’t intend to look back.

Entrepreneurial Mindset: What is it? In what ways can it make a difference in a professional’s journey?

To begin with, we should understand that everything has a cost. The employee mindset needs to be dropped first before taking action. The mindset of an entrepreneur needs to be different from that of an employee. A change like this isn’t easy. Letting go of the egos of large company employees has proven difficult for many. When you start the new venture, you are the CEO – Chief Everything Officer. To accomplish this, a manager needs to be open to various things a formal manager might be unable to do. Taking responsibility for all those decisions and developing a sense of urgency is not easy for corporate managers. At each start-up stage: launch, sustenance, and growth, that is essential. In addition, corporate jobs do not value mistakes and failures. Entrepreneurs must learn from mistakes and failures, often leading to creative innovations. Be open to opportunities and believe in your vision of bringing positive changes to society through your creation. The journey will teach you more about your industry, and you will enjoy all the ups and downs along the way.

What message would you like to share with the FIIB Community?

A successful inspirational entrepreneur solves a problem, expresses creativity, helps their community, is free, and/or overcomes personal or social obstacles. Oftentimes, we measure success by how much money we make, but that’s not why inspirational entrepreneurs are in business. The role of an inspiring entrepreneur is to contribute to social change and improve the quality of life and employment for most people as much as possible. Your work as an entrepreneur creates jobs, reduces costs, and improves product functionality, making life better for everyone. You should not wait too long if you intend to start something independently since this time will not come back. Now is the time to take small steps.