
A place where partnerships flourish

At FIIB, our small size means we personalize every interaction, fostering strong bonds with students, alumni, faculty, and corporate partners. Nestled in the heart of the city, we leverage our urban location to create exceptional outcomes for all stakeholders. We boast a three-decade legacy of excellence as an autonomous, not-for-profit management institution. Driven by impact, we channel our teaching and research towards tangible real-world results. With a strong focus on values, we instill responsibility in everything we do, nurturing responsible leaders. We're a collaborative community invested in each other's success.

Join our collaborative community where shared success and impactful innovation set stage for a bright future.


To Advance the Practice of Management, and Develop Leader-Managers of Business and Social Relevance.

Deliver student-centered, intellectually challenging programs to the highest standards in technology-rich and immersive environments, and develop students for their roles in society and a global workplace

Why We Exist

To develop success-ready leader-managers who drive growth in their communities and professions

What We Offer

An exemplary individual focused and career-oriented education that challenges every student to develop the right attitude, problem-solving abilities, and management skills for their long term career success

How We Make it Happen

By providing a strong knowledge foundation, rigorous experiential training, and a career-empowering community


Support the production of high-quality scholarship that advances business practices, and is built upon a foundation of rigorous, scientific inquiry and an interdisciplinary approach.

Why We Exist

To improve the integration of research and education in the main and emerging areas of business, so as to impact the advancement of management practices

What We Offer

Interdisciplinary, responsible research practices in alignment with ethical principles aimed at developing scholars and teachers alike

How We Make it Happen

By creating an outstanding climate of support for our faculty and doctoral researchers that includes strategically investing in promising research and researchers, as well as providing transparent administration, infrastructure, and streamlined processes


Develop broad understanding of societal issues and inspire action for thoughtful, positive change in our communities through our programs, research, and activities undertaken by our students, faculty and alumni

Why We Exist

To build a learning community that positively contributes to tackling societal challenges thereby increasing our impact in the communities we serve to and, most importantly, for future generations

What We Offer

Sustained programs and activities for long-term partnerships with regional social organizations, the industry and public bodies that impact the economic growth and quality of lives in the communities we serve

How We Make it Happen

By empowering our faculty, students and alumni to make a difference through service-learning and volunteering opportunities as well as by continuously tracking our progress by eliciting meaningful feedback from our communities


Strategic Plan

Explore our roadmap for success with our laser sharp strategic priorities

Societal Impact

Read about our our meaningful initiatives and community engagements

Our Leadership

Meet the dedicated team steering excellence and driving forward progress at our institution

from the board

“We are thankful that you stopped by our website, and encourage you to glance through our pages and explore a fit with your and your organizations’ growth plans. We would be delighted to welcome you into our community!”

- Board of Governors, FIIB


At FIIB, our confidence in transforming lives is so strong that we`ve turned our commitment into clear promises . These promises aren`t just words; they are the pillars of our commitment to delivering lasting value and success across every facet of the FIIB community. Bring the right attitude, commit to learning, and leave equipped for lasting career success.


To Students


This place will challenge you to achieve your potential, and create opportunities for your future success with the support of committed mentors and lifelong friends you’ll make here.


To Faculty and staff


This place will provide opportunities to teach, mentor, reflect, engage, and make a meaningful difference with your work in your own life as well as of many others.


To Alumni


This place will always hold you close, nourishing your intellectual and career-advancing needs, as well as inspiring those who follow.


To Businesses


This place will help you discover and develop skilled, highly motivated, hardworking and career-ready individuals that will enable you to drive your organization forward.

Our commitment to culture

FIIB People Principles are 6 interrelated guiding beliefs that are at the heart of our culture, and shape our daily interactions. These principles govern our daily interactions and collaborative spirit, leading us towards our shared mission and strategy. They encapsulate our collective commitment to excellence, integrity, innovation, diversity, and continuous learning. At FIIB, our culture is not just a statement; it`s a living, breathing ethos that defines the essence of who we are and guides our journey toward success.


Delivering Results

Taking personal responsibility for follow through on all FIIB assignments within agreed deadlines.


Actioning For Improvements

Show commitment to continuous learning and improvement of self, others, and FIIB


Embracing Change

Champion new ideas and initiatives for FIIBs growth with enthusiasm


Demonstrating Excellence

Working at consistently high standards to provide best possible results for ‘customers’ in the FIIB community


Investing In Relationships

Work cooperatively with others to achieve team and FIIBs strategic goals


Sorting Out Problems

Developing creative, workable solutions to problems that improve processes and outcomes at FIIB

Frequently Asked Questions